Sports Authors Showcase: Swinging ‘73: Baseball’s Wildest Season by Matt Silverman
This week we look at the book Swinging '73: Baseball's Wildest Season. Author Matt Silverman joins us to talk about that season and what made it the "Wildest Season". The book takes a look not only at that season, but the…

Sports Authors Showcase: Finley Ball by Nancy Finley
This week we discuss Finley Ball: How Two Outsiders Turned the Oakland A's Into A Dynasty and Changed the Game Forever by Nancy Finley. Nancy is the niece of Charlie O. Finley and daughter of Carl Finley who orchestrated the greatest dynasty…

Sports Authors Showcase: Just Like Me: When the Pros Played on the Sandlot by Kelly Park
Kelly Park is featured this week as he discusses his book Just Like Me: When the Pros Played on the Sandlot. Listen to the interview Rex conducted with Kelly as he discusses his experiences with the Major League players he spoke with. If…

Sports Authors Showcase: Comeback by Ken Berry
Our guest this week is former MLB outfielder Ken Berry. He wrote the book Comeback in 2020 and is here to talk about the book. "The opportunity of a lifetime presents itself to a 63-year-old former baseball player who had long ago left his…

Sports Authors Showcase: Ten Cent Beer Night by Scott Jarrett
Author Scott Jarrett joins me this week to talk about his book Ten Cent Beer Night. Ten Cent Beer Night occurred on June 4, 1974, at Cleveland's Municipal Stadium. For the baseball enthusiasts out there, Scott does a tremendous job writing about…

Sports Authors Showcase: Called Out But Safe: A Baseball Umpire's Journey by Al Clark
Our guest this week is former American League umpire Al Clark. Al umpired in the American League/Major League from 1976-2001. He co-authored the book Called Out But Safe: A Baseball Umpire's Journey with Dan Schlossberg. Al was the only umpire hired by…

Sports Authors Showcase: The God Squad by Matt Sieger
We feature the book The God Squad: The Born-Again San Francisco Giants of 1978 this week. Author Matt Sieger joins us to discuss the writing of the book. Matt is of Jewish faith and a believer of Jesus Christ. He explains his faith…

Sports Authors Showcase: The Right Thing to Do by Tom Shanahan
Author Tom Shanahan released a new book this year entitled The Right Thing to Do: The True Pioneers of College Football Integration in the 1960s. We hosted Tom on a previous book, Raye of Light, and this book goes deeper into Coach…

Sports Authors Showcase: Eyes Up by Terry Shea
We are joined this week by QB coaching guru Terry Shea who is the author of the book Eyes Up. Coach Shea has mentored many quarterbacks during his several decades in the profession. He decided to create a "manual" to coach quarterbacks and…