By Tim Clark / October 4, 2023 /
Musings of a Sports Fanatic Oct 5

Tim takes a look at the MLB playoffs as the wildcard round is in full swing. Tim warns that teams with a bye better be ready because the wildcard winners always seem to have something up their sleeves.

Tim’s Time Machine looks back to 2013 and the “Cueto Game” where Pirates fans proved they would show up for a winner.

On the Docket Tim discusses optimistically the future of the current Pirates team. Tampa needs to lose baseball after the pathetic attendance numbers for the wildcard round. The Bucks get Dame, the Celtics get Jrue, while the Sixers get to deal with a childish, petulant James Harden and a whiny Joel Embiid. Enjoy the fall Sixers fans. And what a very underwhelming performance by a seemingly distracted American Ryder Cup team.

Whats Your Problem has Tim ranting about the abhorrent coverage NBC gave the Ryder Cup.

Enjoy Musings of a Sports Fanatic.